Why Are Regular Dental Checkups Important For Children With Braces?

As a parent, you need to understand the vital concerns associated with your child’s well-being and health. Keeping track of your child’s orthodontic care can be a daunting task, but considering their long-term oral health, this process is well worth undertaking.

Most people don't know that a braces checkup is part of the ongoing process of teeth straightening, and skipping one may lead to severe complications. In this blog post, we’ll shed light on why regular dental checkups are important for everyone with braces.

 What happens when your children don't attend regular checkups?

If you neglect to see your child’s orthodontist for regular checkups, then there is a possibility that your child might develop gum disease. If the gum disease is severe, then the orthodontist may need to remove the braces to deal with it effectively. Once the gum and mouth are healed, the braces will be reapplied to your child’s teeth.

Frequent occurrences of this kind of situation may lead to interruptions in orthodontic treatment progress, which can result in the need to wear braces for longer than expected. Therefore, visiting an orthodontist in Woollahra and Bondi Junction for checkups is vital for your child and keeping their treatment schedule on track. During treatment, their teeth will shift positions and the braces will need to keep pace with those changes, visiting the surgery at requested times ensures that this happens.

Tracking the progress

Undergoing orthodontic treatment for children is a lengthy process that demands careful monitoring. Every child’s mouth with braces has its unique characteristics, and because of this, the orthodontist needs to closely monitor the shifting of teeth to ensure that everything is going smoothly and as intended.

The primary advantage of visiting your local dentists in Bondi Junction and Woollahra is that they can make minor adjustments to optimise the effectiveness of your child’s braces. The checkup is also essential to see that the wires are correctly positioned, facilitating the proper alignment of your child’s teeth. With the continuation of treatment, the adjustments made by the orthodontist are necessary, as your child’s teeth won’t be in the same position they were when the treatment began.

Bands Replacement

Rubber bands are an essential part of the process. Over time, these elastic bands can undergo wear and tear. That's why regular checkups are important and should not be skipped. To keep your child’s treatment going smoothly, the orthodontist swaps out the older bands with new and stronger ones. They contribute to the overall alignment of the teeth, working in conjunction with the braces to achieve the desired results. Therefore, it is wise not to neglect your appointment with the orthodontist for the ongoing well-being of your child.


When your child has braces, common risks regarding demineralisation can arise. They are also known as white scars, which serve as an early warning sign of tooth decay. If this should occur, the orthodontist will act promptly to address the issue.

Cleaning Braces

For children with braces, cleaning is often a challenging process. The nooks and crannies between their teeth can be tricky to reach properly. Rushing or neglecting the cleaning process may lead to tooth decay if not properly managed.


With braces on, it is easier for your child to miss their gum line while brushing their teeth, which can lead to gingivitis. If ignored, this can result in gum tenderness and swelling. But don’t worry, if you are going for regular dental checkups, then your orthodontist will address this issue with ease.

Tools to help

Given the risk of plaque buildup and decay during the braces years, visiting for regular checkups should be considered. Depending on the tooth's condition, the orthodontist may recommend a professional cleaning or fluoride treatment every six months. For high-risk conditions, treatment can be advised every three months. For the cleaning process, your orthodontist uses special equipment when dealing with braces. Sometimes bits of food get stuck in the braces, and specialised cleaning helps to eliminate them.

Dental advice for a perfect smile

Children with braces need to be a little more attentive when it comes to oral health. However, for those at a younger age, proper flossing and brushing don't usually rank highly on their priority list; they need to be reminded, or assisted, by their parents to do so properly.

Regular checkups help address neglected issues in oral care and offer a chance to reinforce the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits. An orthodontic professional provides practical tips and makes the care routine with braces more manageable.

Haven’t found the time for your child’s dental checkups? Don’t worry; book an appointment with Optimal Dental Care. As specialised children's dentists in Bondi Junction, we offer friendly and expert advice on a wide range of common issues. We are equipped with the latest 3D CBCT scan and OPG, which can detect any lesions or anomalies. This cutting-edge technology allows us to proactively engage in the early detection of potential issues. At Optimal Dental Care, we prioritise your child's oral health, ensuring a positive and comprehensive dental experience.


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