Elevate the Charm of Your Smile with Our Best Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Cosmetic procedures focus on the enhancement of dental aesthetics. Dazzling smiles, improved through cosmetic procedures often result in patients leaving the clinic happy and more self-confident. A confident smile will positively influence self-esteem and relationships with others by leaving a lasting impression on the people you meet. If you are looking for the perfect smile, let’s take a look at the Cosmetic Dental Procedures provided by Optimal Dental Care.

Choosing the appropriate cosmetic dental procedure

You can commence the journey with a consultation with our dentists in Bondi Junction. After that, a personalised treatment plan will be made, based on factors such as budget, timeline, and desired aesthetic outcomes.

We use state-of-the-art technology for precise diagnostics and efficient execution of procedures.

Here is a list of the cosmetic dental treatments we offer at our practice:

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to brighten and enhance the natural colour of teeth. This non-invasive treatment can address tooth discolouration caused by various factors, including aging, dietary choices, and lifestyle habits.

The teeth whitening process involves the application of a whitening agent – often a hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide gel – to the surface of the teeth. This gel works by breaking down stains and discolouration molecules on the tooth enamel.

Whether you prefer an in-office procedure or the convenience of our home whitening kits, Optimal Dental Care provides solutions to meet your unique preferences.

Our home whitening kits include clear aligners specially designed to hold the whitening gel precisely. This eliminates the risk of overspilling into your mouth. This approach ensures a mess-free application.

Resin Bonding

Resin bonding is designed to enhance the appearance of teeth by addressing issues such as gaps, discolouration, chips, or irregular shapes. This method involves the application of a tooth-coloured resin material to the surface of the tooth, effectively bonding and reshaping it to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing look.

The process of resin bonding begins with the careful preparation of the tooth surface. This typically involves cleaning and roughening the tooth to ensure optimal adhesion of the resin. Once prepared, the dentist applies a liquid resin to the targeted area, matching the colour of the patient's natural teeth. This resin is a composite material that blends with the existing teeth, providing a natural and attractive result. One notable advantage of resin bonding is its versatility.  

After applying the resin, our dentist sculpts and moulds it to achieve the desired shape. Once satisfied with the result, a special light is used to harden the resin, securing it in place. The final step involves polishing the bonded tooth to match the sheen and texture of the surrounding natural teeth.

While resin bonding is relatively quick, it is important to note that it may not be as resistant to staining or wear as other cosmetic options like veneers. Therefore, individuals undergoing this procedure should maintain good oral hygiene practices and avoid habits that may compromise the longevity of the bonded resin.

Porcelain Veneers & Crowns

Porcelain veneers and crowns offer both aesthetic and functional benefits. These dental procedures involve the application of porcelain materials to address a range of dental concerns, from cosmetic improvements to structural restorations.

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic material, custom-made to fit over the front surface of teeth. This cosmetic solution is particularly effective in improving the appearance of teeth with issues like stains, discolouration, minor misalignment, or irregular shapes. The application of porcelain veneers is a minimally invasive process that preserves much of the natural tooth structure.

The procedure typically involves an initial consultation where our Woollahra dentist evaluates the patient's dental health and discusses the desired outcome. During the application, a small amount of enamel is removed to make room for the veneer. The veneer is then carefully bonded to the tooth, creating a beautiful and natural-looking smile. Porcelain veneers are renowned for their durability, stain resistance, and ability to reflect light similar to natural teeth.

Porcelain crowns, on the other hand, serve as protective caps that encase the entire visible portion of a damaged or weakened tooth. This method is used when a tooth has undergone significant decay, fracture, or after a root canal treatment. Porcelain crowns provide strength, stability, and a natural appearance to the treated tooth.

The process involves the dentist preparing the tooth by removing any damaged or decayed areas. Impressions are then taken to create a custom-fit porcelain crown that perfectly matches the patient's teeth. The crown is securely bonded to the prepared tooth, restoring its strength and appearance.

At Optimal Dental Care, we are your trusted partners in achieving radiant and healthy smiles. Optimal Dental Care is accredited by the ADA, we earned this accreditation by exceeding evaluations in areas such as infection control, patient safety, dental staff qualifications, adherence to ethical standards, and compliance with pertinent regulations.

We understand that every smile is unique, and our team is dedicated to tailoring cosmetic dentistry experiences to meet your specific needs and desires. Experience speaks louder than words. Anna, our principal dentist, boasts over 20 years of experience practising in the heart of Bondi Junction, conveniently located next to Westfield, and only a 2-minute walk from train and bus stations. In addition to cosmetic procedures, if you are looking for the best children's dentist in Bondi Junction, we have got you covered.



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